Sunday, March 8, 2009

Broadcast Leads . . .

Print Lead: MARYVILLE, Ill. - A pastor shot and killed during his Sunday sermon deflected the first of the gunman's four rounds with a Bible, sending a confetti-like spray of paper into the air in a horrifying scene that congregants initially thought was a skit, police said.

Broadcast Lead: Authorities say a shooter gunned down a pastor in the middle of a Sunday sermon.

Print Lead: The vice president of Baltimore's NAACP chapter said yesterday during a rally for taxicab drivers that his reputation has been damaged after police arrested him, claiming to have found drugs in his car.

Broadcast Lead: The vice president of Baltimore’s NAACP says he was targeted when heroin and marijuana was recovered in a search of his car.

Print Lead: A former Baltimore County teacher sentenced to a year and a half in jail for a sex offense against a 13-year-old student now faces federal child pornography charges, according to U.S. District Court documents.

Broadcast Lead: According to U.S. District Court documents, a former Baltimore County teacher faces new federal child pornography charges following a year and a half jail sentence.

1 comment:

jenny atwater said...

I like your last broadcast lead the best...good job with these.